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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet, Consectetur Adipiscing Elit

Business Mentorship

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet, Consectetur Adipiscing Elit

Ready to crush those business goals?

I will be your ally on your entrepreneurial adventure.

The Gandalf to your Frodo. The Bagheera to your Mowgli. The Merlin to your King Arthur.

I've spent nearly a decade training in various coaching methodologies, learning and inventing helpful tools, and gaining thousands of hours of experience supporting clients.

Here's how we can begin:


The Initial Call

Before our session, I'll send you a Q&A about my programs. My aim for our first conversation is to get to know you and your goals better. I'll also share more about my methodologies and you'll have time to ask questions. At the end, if we both feel we'd be great partners, we move forward.



We choose a time for our first session and I send over your welcome packet, invoice, and contract. Before we meet next, you'll fill out a questionnaire. I'll use your answers and my notes from our initial chat to tailor your program to your needs.


We deepen the relationship

I use month-to-month contracts, but most clients stay with me for at least one year. Why? The coaching structure becomes even more valuable over time. I get to know you (who you are at your best, as well as your bullshit!) and we build trust in one another. During this time, many clients also choose to attend my retreats or have me work with their teams. Whenever you decide to wrap up, we will do so with care and intention.

The love and support Meg provided is beyond imagination. Coaching with her was a valuable, transformative, and fun experience that I will treasure for the rest of my life.

Hang Zhao

Life and Leadership Coach

Tailored, 1:1 Support

Private Coaching

This bespoke, 1:1 experience provides the personalized support you've been craving. Private coaching is a month-to-month contract. Packages include an initial, 3-hour intensive; up to 3, 60-minute calls per month; and WhatsApp voice note support as needed. I work with only 6 private clients.

Who is this for?

• Growing your business is a non-negotiable goal: you are ready to challenge yourself to get new results

• You value curated programs: you want a highly tailored experience with maximum flexibility

• Grit is your middle name: you have a track record of staying committed to your goals, even when it's challenging

• You're ready to go beyond your comfort zone: you will be invited to act and think differently, as well as challenge your fears and limiting beliefs. You must be willing to try new approaches, embrace the beginner's mind, and apply lessons learned outside of our calls


• You are a coach or you own a service-based-business

• You love what you do (and you're damn good at it)

• You're ready to take bold action

• You will carve out time for business development and to complete the practices we co-create during our sessions

• You have a gut sense that I'm the coach for you

• You value dedication, play, connection, and adventure

Who is this NOT for?

• You abandon projects or relationships when the going gets tough: you must be willing to "show up" for coaching and your business, even in the face of challenging circumstances.

• You are only looking for business/leadership tactics: if you're uninterested in doing the inner work necessary to level up, I'm not the coach for you.

• You want a short-term fix: We will be evolving not just your business, but your life in general. Ultimately, we are creating new neuropathways in your brain. This doesn't happen overnight.



Results you can expect

• More profit: Our top aim is your business growth

• Stronger relationships: Relationships are key to business. You will discover how to show up as your best self with your contractors, employees, clients, and/or business partners, even during conflict.

• More confidence: You'll feel more confident thanks to additional support from me and your community, as well as new tools and mindset practices.

• More satisfaction: Access new levels of gratitude and abundance as you align your biz with your values and desires.

• Better work-life balance: Learning to make time for what you love will enrich your work and make business and life more fun

• A clear vision you feel genuinely excited about: If you don't have a vision, you don't have direction.

• More business savvy: You'll be more equipped to handle challenges through a suite of new tools and paradigms

Ready to take the next step?


Business Mastermind

Every year from mid-January to mid-October

Grow your business during an incredible, 10-month journey with me and a select cohort of community-minded entrepreneurs.

I limit the size of the mastermind to 16 participants. That way, you don't get lost in a crowd and have ample time to connect with each person.

You will walk away from this experience with a community of business allies. They will intimately know your business and understand how to support you in the face of fear, confusion, or self-doubt.

Are you ready for massive support and connection this year? If so, read on! This mastermind may be the program for you.

Meg with two mastermind alumni at a retreat in New Orleans.

Who is this for?

• You deeply value community, collaboration, and reciprocity

• You understand why limiting the number of people in a program is very valuable

• You are a coach, consultant, or in another service-based industry

• You love what you do (and you're damn good at it!)

• You crave consistent, sustainable income so that every month doesn't feel like starting over

• You desire a close-knit community of peers who are similarly ready to play a big business game

What you get

Every month, you'll have:

  • 3, 75-minute group calls

  • one private coaching session

  • tailored practices

  • ongoing group support via a private communication channel


• You've been full-time in your business for at least two years

• You have a track record of forging close, connected relationships

• You are committed to the entirety of the 10-month program

• You are more than ready to show up and create value for yourself during our calls, as well as complete practices in between sessions (expect to invest roughly five hours/week)

• You have a gut sense that I'm the coach for you

Who is this NOT for?

This program is not for you if:

• You need a lot of hand holding

• People have told you that you're "high maintenance" in relationships

• You have a track record of abandoning projects or relationships when the going gets tough

• The only reason you're considering the group program is the smaller price tag

• You're not reliable to follow through on practices

Topics Covered

While each cohort is different, topics we cover may include: long-term visioning, quarterly goal setting, values-based marketing, recurring revenue streams, filling programs and courses with ease, embodiment, intuition, business systems for success, gamification, owning your weird (creating a brand that's uniquely you), maximizing collaboration with contractors/partners/clients, and more.



Results you can expect

• A crystal clear vision you feel genuinely excited about: If you don't have a vision, you don't have direction. You will know where you're headed not just in the text year, but in the text 3 years of your life and business. This will guide your decisions, help you establish short-term goals, build your team, and more. Having a vision makes sure you are guided by inspiration, rather than fear

• A values-based marketing plan that you actually enjoy executing: There is no one-size-fits-all for marketing and you don't need to pursue energy-zapping initiatives. Discover how to generate way more leads for your business in an engaging and inspiring way

• Become a master of your time: Delegate like a pro, set up time-saving business systems, and create a schedule that ensures you and your clients get the best results. Discover the massive payoff to working on -- not in -- your business

• Values-aligned, high-impact income streams: If your offers don't feel like a "hell yes," it's time to modify or cut them out. Mastermind clients simplify their offerings, transform their programs, and learn to create recurring revenue models for predictable base income

• More confidence: Become better equipped to handle your fears, self-doubt, and negative self-talk. You'll leave the mastermind with a suite of new tools and paradigms. We'll cover topics like difficult conversations, improving resilience, and high-level decision making

• Stronger relationships: Relationships are key to business. You will discover how to show up as your best self with your contractors, employees, clients, and/or business partners, even during conflict

• Improved self care: You will better understand the somatic approach to success, why tuning into your body is critical for growth, and how to care for yourself in new ways

Want to join the

2025 program?

Megan is an extraordinary woman to work with -- organized, prepared, personal, focused, and fun.

While working with Meg, I launched, reached personal goals in my health and relationships, and laid the foundation for my involvement in the Tokyo 2020 Games. Megan is an extraordinary woman to work with -- organized, prepared, personal, focused, and fun. After each of our calls, I felt emotionally rejuvenate and supported, as well as strategically ready to act on my goals.

Lauren Zelek

Founder of Zelek International

Want to read client testimonials?

From an Idea to a Nation-Wide Business

Meg supported my journey from the earliest stages of my business to launch last year. Split Spirits is now on shelves across the country. Meg's support has helped me weather both professional and personal challenges with confidence, clarity and positivity. I now get to wake up every morning and do something I find deeply meaningful and in line with my values, skills and personality. I would recommend Megan as an advocate and guide to aspiring entrepreneurs.

Will Drucker

Founder, Split Spirits

She Made Big Moves

Meg called forth my greatness. Her support helped me start my business, become a lead facilitator for the REAL Women organization, and fall in love with the woman I am.

Shavon Carter

Founder of Walking in Wholeness LLC

Her program sold out three times over

Through my work with Meg I stopped agonizing about the “right” decision, berating myself over mistakes, and getting stuck on the 'should haves.' I also worked through many fears and overcame insecurities. Meg helped me grow my business; the weekly accountability sessions were instrumental in helping me launch my most recent program for online dance training -- a program that has sold out three times over!

Jo Hoffberg

International Dance Instructor